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Night Vision Goggles (11)


Night vision devices (NVD) amplify available light so you can see in dark or lowlight conditions. With quality night vision goggles and scopes you can see people, animals, and objects up to 1,000 yards away on a dark night.

An NVD works by directing light toward an objective lens, which focuses it on an image intensifier. Next, a photocathode converts light into energy and directs it onto a screen to create an image.



There are a variety of NVDs including night vision scopes, night vision monoculars, night vision binoculars, and night vision goggles.

There are also two types of night vision images: the traditional monochrome green, and digital color.



No. Most NVDs are easier to operate than a video camera. One difference is that you must first focus your eyepiece on the internal screen and then focus the lens on the subject. This simple adjustment takes about five seconds.


Night vision technology is used in several types of devices, all designed to enhance viewing in dark or low-light environments.
Night vision scopes can be monocular (a single eyepiece) or binocular (two eyepieces for a stereoscopic image).The goggles can be incorporated into a headband or helmet.Because goggles are worn instead of held, they free up your hands for other purposes. They're great for when you're moving around at night or in dark buildings.
Finally, many still and video cameras incorporate digital night vision technology for shooting at night. Night vision cameras are often used for surveillance purposes, especially around a building's unlit perimeter.

Elements to compare
Fortunately, or not, there is no one concrete parameter to look at when comparing different NVDs. You should be looking at least following:

  • Image Intensifier Tube (IIT) – IIT are divided by generations, color, and ton of different parameters incl. tube optics. 
  • NVD Housing – not all housings are made the same way. Housing quality will affect weight, usability and durability of the device. And oh, let’s not forget all those additional features that housing electronics can provide. 
  • NVD Optics – mostly considered as part of the housing as they are assembled together. You can have IIT with incredible specs, but if the optics are bad, you won’t be able to see all that beauty.


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